Developer Update III
Two things you need to know:
All 5 rovers are now running the compiler across the five blockchains with trades written in Timble script. It’s time to select the first 6 people for each pair to conduct a Borderless trade without validators, relays, or middlemen. This is the history that goes up on the Wikipedia page. Register here:
Tomorrow we are releasing on a field guide with everything you need to explain to everyone you know what Borderless is and how it is ‘the expansion’ of the entire crypto currency ecosystem. Ideas on how to build small business running on Block Collider are included alongside guides for mining NRG, leasing Emblems, and conducting trades. All the above are organized with the complimenting content.
As of July 30th, 2019, all testing milestones are complete. Before After Target begins the SDK integration with each financial instrument must be completed. Once any edge cases are resolved we expect people to be running on varying versions of Borderless in less than 30 days. Block Collider will begin After Target mining immediately following the official release of Borderless.
Block Collider Core
Developer Update III was originally published in Overline on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.